next stop:
Halifah's engagementHer engagement was held Saturday Morning....ahhhh..sgt tersiksa jiwa dan raga untuk bangun pagi...yerla..since i buat
Hai-o..mane penah bangun awal kan..hihihihih....
So....alarm dh berbunyik 8.25am...(sbb i promised dgn
biena nk gerak kul 9.00am)...terase mcm lelap sekejap la..then sedar2 dh 8.50am...alemakk!!!mampos.....
my hubby still i dengan pantasnya bangun and mandi and bersiap2...bring together all the make up tools..sbb nk make up dlm kereta...
end up bile call biena...she said that tia will be a little bit late picking her up at her house..i was like...whatt??!!!...arrgghhh...rugi masa tidurku yg indah iteww...hahahah.... offense...x kesah pon sebenarnyer......
then we went straight ahead to halifah's house in taman TAR,ampang..

me in the car while waiting for tia and biena..

the pelamin...

me and the cupcakes tauke,biena..hehehe

nah edura...aku letak gamba full ko...bukan stakat gamba tangan ajer yer!hahaha

gadis di sebalik tiang itu paling ayu

biena tgh bagi direction pon sempat nk bergamba lagik..ish2

siap pon make up...i like the make up..very nice and sweet...

we are the "Pavillion Girls" quoted by the photographer...(ex-bbgsians...)

me and the bride...

the keypochi sista!
nnti...masih ade gamba lagik yg akan di shikin and imran...tunggguuuu.......