Heya all..
Sorry..I've been bz lately and i felt really exhausted since 2 days in a row asyik keluar..First day carik brg2 baby..Second day beli groceries with family....
End up i lepak rumah jer weekend.....sakit belakang...byk sgt berjln....
At first,to tell u the truth i really don't have the clear idea on what should i buy first for the baby thingy...i'm blurrr.....Seriously!!
So i just beli ape yg patut jerla kan......nnti balik baru nk check balik list nk betul2 dibeli...and next week gi beli balik laa......
Let us start with my meeting with Nicky at Lancome counter...she has been my beautician since 2007....a very good friend of mine...slalu bg byk free gift and make over free....heheheeh.....highly recommended by me....

Nicky and me.....(perut x nampak sgt kan?!kan?!ahahah)
Next we went to mothercare,mom's care and jusco to find the baby stuff...OMG..semua cute2...mcm pening...tatau nk beli mane satu..ekekekeke
After finished beli sikit2 brg baby...then we went to Real Cut BSP sbb hubby nk cut his hair..sbb dh menggerbang mcm Alex dlm citer Madagascar je aku tgk...hahahahahahaha...since i kept on complaining "sakit mata" tgk his hair like that......

So here some of the baby stuff that i bought..sikit jer...berjlnnye beria2...smpi bengkak kaki and sakit pinggang....last2 belinyer sikit jer......weekend igt nk pegi lagik...but then hubby got biz appointment in Ipoh(Saturday) and Kuantan(Sunday)...So terpaksala tgu next week kalo nk pegi balik pon....
Takper..amik feel dulu...sbb x pernah beli brg baby kan...hahahaha

The rompers and sleepwear......cute sgt kn?my friend ckp x elok tgk slalu.....bila dh beli simpan jer smpi dh deliver...(yeke mcm tu?!byk betol pantang larang yer)

The bodysuit and the bootens and mittens....(sgt cute and adorableeeee!i like!)

the pacifier from MAM...the grooming set from Mothercare and the bottle from Dr Brown...
Actually mcm nk beli Tommy Tippee...tapi bottle die mcm gemuk2....at last i've chose to buy Dr Brown for a start (nampak mcm bagus..highly recommended)..and nnti ingat nk beli bottles from Nuby utk add on....sgt comel ok the pacifier and the bottle from Nuby..(sgt colourful design Nuby)....(ala...bottles and pacifier nnti mesti dpt for prezzie kan...mls nk beli byk2..hahaha....x malu kan?!harap org kasik prezzie....ekeekek)
Last2 brg mummy die xde ape pon nk dibeli...maternity bra x beli....disposable panties...maternity wear..maternity pads....sume luper....ekekeke...takpela....asyik mummy jer nk bergaya...anak pon nk jugak kan?!...betol x?asyik mummy jer pakai yg mahal...anak pakai cap ayam jer.....kesiannn
Here some of the bottles and pacifier from Nuby that I like:

And here is the stroller yg me and hubby dah berkenan..The Bugaboo bee...very practical,compact and convenient..(from infant to Toddler) and it's compatible with the maxi cosi infant carrier..

And the best part of all...even Kourtney kardashian used the Bugaboo strollers..i'm a big fan of hers...heheheheh

Ape lagi checklist nk dibeli yer?
-Bottles and pacifier lagikkk...
-Swaddle Blanket
-Bath tub
-Breast Pump
-Baby Cot
-Baby toiletries(bath foam,shampoo,baby wipes)
-Stroller (tgu July laa kot baru beli)
-Infant Carrier(July also)
Anything else that i missed?
P/s:Btw..Malaysia mega sale started in June right?!!hmm...tgu next months shopping pon ok kan?!kan?!