Sunday, April 13, 2014

My Lil Haziq is going to school!


Suddenly felt like sharing my first ever experience sending my first son, Haziq to the pre-school for the first time...he's turning 4 btw this year...hehe

After a few months of surveying....i have finally decided to send him to BBIM...though the entrance fee is quite expensive i would say...but as long as it can provide good environment and Islamic basics to my lil one...why not right?....i loved the environment..the teachers...the montessori method...everything.....

And i'm so not into pre-school that has the entrance determine which class should your child goes into...i don't think that's kinda appropriate...i mean.. to define your child by his ability at the age of 4....what my child should be doing at the age of 4 is having fun and at the same time learning how to develop his skillss..aite?

I don't know about other opinions..but this is just my opinions when it comes to my child... :)

His first day in  school...looking good eh?!haha

After came back from school...wanna wear his new PJ's from the school..

Finally, asleep after a long day at school....this is just the beginning..
It's been 2 first he's crying when I want to send him to school the next morning...but now he's become more happy when it comes to going to school...i'm just worried that he will be crying till the end of the year...but alhamdulillah.....he's doing quite well now.....
Can't wait for his year end concert...till then....

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