Yes..that's a BIGG NO-NO for myself....sbb my hubby die buat tatau jer....die x pon super excited...he's acting cool..(inside tatau la kan..)kalo i craving ape2 pon die mcm ikut mood die...kalo die ok...die carikan....if not....have to ask my father to belikan....ggrrrr......ie akan bg 1001 alasan....
Siapa ckp bole manje2 mase pregnant?!!for me..NOT!!
Lgpon i understand..hubby bz with my biz and so on...so mls nk kacau....since he had to handle all the mess alone!....
And as for me...need to get a good rest at home until my pregnancy is stable enough....
This is her last words before our next appointment next month..
Gynae:"baby awk nih ke bwh nih...so possibility nk bleeds to ade..(sbb dh penah bleeding twice before this).....so you better get some rest...don't do any work at all!I'll give you MC.."
Me:Tapi "Doc...I housewife...x kasik MC pon xpe!!"
Gynae: "eh yeke?kalo mcm tuh..i bg MC nih kt hubby you la yer...die kena jage u betol2!"hahaha
Hubby: "eerrkkk?!!ok doc....baik!!"
So..that's it.....no hard work...no stress...no housework at all.....
Just rest!!hahahaha...manje dr segi itu jerla kot nyer pon....